LUMA System methods

Explore 36 human-centered design methods, organized into three fundamental design skills




Looking: Methods for observing human experience

Ethnographic Research

Stepping out of your native environment to learn what people do in the places they inhabit is a great way to discover opportunities for innovation. The methods in this grouping are good for studying human behavior in its natural setting.

Participatory Research

Innovators offer solutions that people don’t even know they want. This cluster of methods allows you to engage with your intended audience by equipping them with creative ways to express themselves. If you pay close attention you’ll discover critical and latent needs.

Evaluative Research

When you look at things critically, with an eye toward improvement, you set your course in the direction of making things better. These methods are good for assessing the usefulness and usability of solutions meant to serve people in new and better ways.

Understanding: Methods for analyzing challenges and opportunities

People & Systems

Innovation happens when you understand a subject area so well that you are able to transcend and sometimes even reinvent it. This cluster of methods will support your ability to consider all kinds of people, places, and things in your pursuit of creating new value.

Patterns & Priorities

The dual act of finding patterns and determining prioritization is essential in pursuing innovation. The methods in this grouping encourage clear and critical thinking. They are good for discerning what is related, what is relevant, and what is important.

Problem Framing

To be an effective problem solver, you need to be a crea­tive problem framer. In many cases, innovative solutions emerge out of a different way of characterizing the problem. These invaluable methods help you to think differently by enabling you to ask differently.

Making: Methods for envisioning future possibilities

Concept Ideation

Conceiving great ideas is only part of the equation for innovation, yet it is absolutely essential. These methods are a good alternative to conventional brainstorming techniques. They will accelerate and expand your ability to generate new concepts.

Modeling & Prototyping

Aversion to risk is a major barrier to innovation. If you are afraid to fail, you will fall prey to the habit of insuffi­cient experimentation. This cluster of methods will help you bring new ideas to life and take controlled risks through fast and frequent iteration.

Design Rationale

Unfortunately, many good ideas fail to become innova­tions simply because their creators fail to convey the concept’s full potential. The methods in this grouping help you compel others to take the necessary actions for great ideas to flourish.