Method overview
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a thousand pictures. You can spend great time and effort telling people about a new concept, but words only go so far—sometimes you have to show people the world you envision. With video, you can present a compelling explanation of what your concept would be like in a true-to-life scenario. This allows people to better imagine how one might interact with or experience your design. As a vehicle for storytelling, a Video Scenario has the potential to capture your team’s attention and garner their support for an idea before it is made real.
These days, creating, editing, and sharing video is commonplace and relatively easy. While you may want someone with experience to polish the final product, you can do much of the groundwork yourself. Use your storyboarding skills to frame the narrative, and then use video to bring it to life!
The benefits of this method
- Helps people imagine the future.
- Shows what a concept looks like in action.
- Gains support from decision makers.
- Inspires your team.
Quick guide
- Identify a new concept to represent.
- Assemble a small design team.
- Create a storyboard of a future scenario.
- Write a detailed script.
- Collect the prototypes, people, and other props.
- Record video or take still photos of each scene.
- Edit the footage to a short duration (2-5 minutes).
- Record and overlay narration.
- Post the final movie online for convenient viewing.
Helpful hints
- Consider the use of background music.
- Compress the file to a small size to ease distribution.
- Announce a premiere screening to rally enthusiasm.
Combining LUMA methods into design recipes
The methods in the LUMA System are great on their own, but they are really powerful when combined into design recipes. Just like when you combine ingredients to make a tasty meal, you can also combine design methods to address challenges such as improving workplace culture or uncovering customer insights.
An example of a recipe from LUMA Workplace®:

Want to learn more about LUMA methods?